lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

What are the differents types of pregnancy?

While pregnancy may seem like a simple term, there are different typesof pregnancies. Most are a result of physical differences between women,but some are related to multiple egg release, among other reasons.

Ectopic Pregnancies and Tubal Pregnancies

Ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg implants in a place other than the fallopian tube or uterus. It can be in the neck of the uterus or in the abdomen. The pregnancy is not viable and the body will most likely spontaneously abort the fetus.

Chemical Pregnancy

A chemical pregnancy is like a cruel joke. You take an early pregnancy test around the time your period is due that shows a faint positive. Naturally, you get excited and start spreading the joyful news that you're expecting. Then, a few days later you get your period and the doctor says, "It was just a chemical pregnancy."

Molar Pregnancy

Molar Pregnancies can have scary health complications, requiring months of precautionary monitoring after treatment, which is usually a D&C. Most of the time molar pregnancies go away without further complications, but the added worries can make coping even more difficult than usual.

Blighted Ovum

The term blighted ovum sounds more than a little strange and confusing. After all, the word "blight" is a pretty strongly negative word and ovum isn't a common word for most people. A blighted ovum is a type of miscarriage in which the baby either never develops or stops growing at a very early stage in pregnancy and then disintegrates -- but a gestational sac does develop and the body does not recognize that the baby is missing.

If you would like read more about this you can follow this link: 

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